CHEMET GLI SAS has incorporated into its products range mobile tanks and containers for the transport of dangerous classified products:

CHEMET GLI SAS can produce mobile tanks UN PT code and ISO containers, with capacities of 450 l up to 24 500 l to transport dangerous classified products, specially adapted to the most stringent international regulatory requirements. Citergaz, designs your equipment integrating your technical specifications including operational and logistic requirements and international regulations for the transport of hazardous products.

Our mobile tanks and containers can transport liquids, gases, and some powder materials, they are fitted with all the necessary accessories and equipments for an international use.
The materials used are either carbon steels or stainless steel conformed to European or American standards and or specified standards.
To resist corrosion, or for reasons of cleanliness, these materials may be coated with epoxy resins, phenolic formo, halar powder coating elastomers, by plating (PVDF) or your specified material.


  • Between 450 l and 2500 l,
  • 31 AY,
  • Liquid,

UN Portable Tank:

  • Standard product range <2500 l,
  • T1 to T22/T50,
  • Liquid, gas,
  • OVERSEAS (U Stamp could be required).

Tank container:

  • Between 450 l and 2500 l,
  • L4DH / L21DH,
  • Liquid, gas,


Charlotte Herduin

tel.: +33 (0)6 69 01 70 43
